
外资(欧美) 500-1000人 快速消费品(食品、饮料、化妆品) 多元化业务集团公司


Recruitment Brief Introduction招聘简介ABF is a diversified international Food, Ingredients and Retail Group with sales of £11.1 billion and over 100,000 employees in 46 countries. ABF aims to achieve strong, sustainable leadership positions in markets that offer potential for profitable growth and delivers quality products and services that are central to people’s lives.英联食品集团(ABF)是一家多元化的国际食品、配料和零售集团公司,年销售额111亿英镑,并在46个国家和地区拥有超过10万名员工。 ABF以贴近人们的生活为中心,通过提供优质的产品和服务,致力于在具有盈利增长潜力的市场实现强劲、可持续的领导地位。The ABF operations are grouped into 5 business segments, Sugar, Agriculture, Retail, Grocery and Ingredients and they all enjoy a high degree of autonomy in the running of their operations.AB Mauri has over 6,000 employees spanning many continents and has a major presence in baker’s yeast, with significant market positions in the Americas, Europe and Asia. It is a technology leader in, and supplier of, bakery ingredients operating from 49 plants in 25 countries.英联食品集团(ABF)是由糖业、农业、零售、食品百货和烘焙配料5个事业部组成并运营业务,各事业部在业务运营上享有高度自治。英联马利的业务横跨许多大陆,拥有超过6,000名员工。它的主要产品是烘焙酵母,在美洲、欧洲和亚洲占有显著的市场地位。英联马利在25个国家和地区运营着49家工厂,是烘焙配料行业的一家技术领导者和供应商。The AB Mauri General Managers enjoy large amounts of autonomy in the running of their countries and the Group Headquarters, based in Cambridgeshire in the UK, focuses on setting the overall strategic direction of the business, setting and implementing governance, developing and allocating specialist resource and then holding countries accountable to deliver.英联马利的总经理们在他们运营的国家和集团总部享有高度的自主权。英联马利的总部设在英国的剑桥郡,致力于设定业务的整体战略方向,制定和实施治理,开发和分配专业资源,进而支持所在运营的国家对绩效负责。The business is currently going through a period of transformational change to meet changing customer requirements and challenging operating conditions.该业务目前正在经历一段时期的转型变革,以满足不断变化的客户需求和充满挑战的经营环境。The Group has developed and rolled out vision, mission, values and a global strategy and the countries are translating this into local go to market plans with the centre supporting the development of plans and building skills and capability in country to attain a sustainable operating model.英联马利集团已经制定并推出了愿景、使命、价值观和全球战略,在总部的支持下,正在由各个国家结合本地落实到以建设当地市场的技能和能力,实现可持续的经营模式的发展计划中去。This is an exciting time to join this truly global business as it focuses on creating a competitive, agile and sustainable organisation which balances global direction with local needs to deliver achieve great results.此时加入这家真正的全球业务集团正是一个激动人心的时刻,因为它专注于创造有竞争力、敏捷和融合了本地需要与全球方向的可持续发展的组织,以实现伟大的业绩。http://www.abf.co.uk/http://www.abmauri.com/

公司地址:北京市朝阳区朝阳北路237号复星国际中心1908室 (邮编:100020)
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